Thursday, July 24, 2008

CSPO Class Completed

OK, so just woke up after an 8 hour drive from San Jose, after the end of class. So if this is semi-incoherent, sorry, I'll clean it up later.

This CSPO class was presented by Bryan Stallings and Chris Sterling from SolutionsIQ, via the Scrum Alliance.

Class was excellent. Quite possible the best IT related class I've ever been in. And with all the years I've been around this game, that's saying something.

Bryan and Chris present a quiet professionalism that I don't see any where near enough. Both possess a unique ability to combine real life examples of Scrum at work, with the presentation of course materials.

They run the class as a mini 4 sprint scrum project. Complete with sprint planning, burn downs, sprint board, etc, etc. Very effective way to present Scrum.

Course materials were excellent. From the slide deck to the large posters on the walls with salient information. Everything, despite early appearances, is well thought out and done with purpose. My comment about early appearances is only that early in the class, we're asked to deal with a class exercise, the point of which ends up being to drive home how important preparation and planning is.

The course proceeds through a series of short lectures w/slide deck and back up materials and plenty of class interaction. The exercise are too the point, expectations and instructions are well communicated, and time is adaquite. Well time is adequate if the team uses the time wisely.

As a team they also work very well together. Hand off is smooth, and it's evident either could teach any portion of the class, and could handle a class alone if necessary.

All in all, I highly recommend this class, or for that matter any class these two put on.

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